Our school will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Friday September 27th during our last black (1:30 pm). We are accepting donations through SchoolCash starting today. The minimum donation amount is $5.00. If you would like to donate another amount or would like a tax receipt (donations over $25) you can donate directly through the Terry Fox website (https://schools.terryfox.ca/68084).
We will also be selling Youth Terry Fox shirts for $20! The proceeds go directly to our fundraising efforts and contribute to our goal of raising $1200 as a school community. They can be purchased on SchoolCash online until 21st, 2024. The t-shirts will arrive in time for your child to wear them for our run on September 27th.

We are hoping to meet our school wide goal of $1,200.00! Donations can be made until October 1st!
Please reach out if you have any questions. Ms. Tinkler is preparing and organizing this year’s run so feel free to reach out to her if you have any questions! (courtney.tinkler@tldsb.on.ca).